Talks at Conferences

  1. Ribbon structures derived from homotopy Leibniz algebras and symplectic Lie pairs, Talk at:
    XV. International Workshop LIE THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN PHYSICS , Varna, 19 - 25 June, (2023).

  2. Exact modules over CDGA and weight systems, Talk at:
    CAIM-2022 , Chisinau, 25-27 August, (2022).

  3. Globally generated vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^3$ and the unirationality of $\mathcal{M}_g$, $g \leq 13$.,
    Talk at: Bandoleros 2022-Sixth Algebraic Geometry Meeting ,
    Middle East Technical University, Ankara, May 11-13, (2022).

  4. On geometric weight systems, Talk at:
    CAIM-2021 , Online, 17-18 September, (2021).

  5. Group representations and plane curves invariants, Talk at:
    MITRE-2021 , Chisinau, 1-3 July, (2021).

  6. Lie algebroids and weight systems, Talk at:
    XIV. International Workshop LIE THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN PHYSICS , Sofia, 20 - 26 June, (2021).

  7. Lie theory and infinitesimal extensions in algebraic geometry , Talk at:
    XIII. International Workshop LIE THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN PHYSICS , Varna, 17 - 23 June, (2019).

  8. Plane curves invariants from quantum braid groups representations , Talk at:
    The Ninth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians , Galati, June 28 - July 3, (2019).

  9. Rota-Baxter operators and elliptic curves , Talk at:
    The 25-th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics - CAIM 2018 , Chisinau, 20 - 23 September, (2018).

  10. On a Class of Rota-Baxter Operators with Geometric Origin
    , Talk at:
    International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union 10th Jubilee , Sofia, 26 - 30 August, (2018).

  11. (0; 2) - Mirror symmetry and omalous bundles on complete intersection surfaces of general type ,
    Talk at: COST Action MP1405 "Quantum Structure of Spacetime" III. Annual Workshop : Quantum Spacetime '18 ,
    Sofia, 19 - 23 February, (2018).

  12. Special bundles and superstrings , Talk at:
    The 25-th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics - CAIM 2017 , Iasi, 14-17 September (2017).

  13. Freeness of arrangements and extendability of bundles , Talk at:
    International Conference on Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics , Alba-Iulia, 31 July-4 August (2017).

  14. Freeness, extendability and arrangements , Talk at:
    X. International Symposium: QUANTUM THEORY AND SYMMETRIES , Varna, 19-25 June (2017).

  15. A stable version of Terao conjecture , Talk at Mathematics-Informatics Colloquium, Curtea de Arges, 10-11 October (2016).

  16. A problem connected with Terao conjecture , Talk at CAIM 2016, Craiova, 15-18 September (2016).

  17. (0; 2)-Mirror symmetry on surfaces , Talk at Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Constanta, 19-22 May (2016).

  18. Quantum sheaf cohomology on surfaces of general type , at ICTAMI, Alba Iulia, 17 September (2015).

  19. Heegaard-Floer homology and cuspidal multiple planes , at Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Constanta, 21 May (2015).

  20. Horrocks theory and applications , at Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Constanta, May (2014).

  21. Geometry of the Sasakura bundle , at Locally free geometry seminars, Bucharest, September (2013).

Talks in Seminars

  1. On Habiro's universal invariants I-VI , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, April-June (2024).

  2. DT-invariants and knot-quivers correspondence I-II , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, April (2024).

  3. Fukaya categories I-III , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, November-December (2023).

  4. Mirror symmetry and knot homology II-IX , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, September-November (2023).

  5. Motivic measures I-III , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, May (2023).

  6. Immersed curves and Floer homology I-IV , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, April-June (2023).

  7. Introduction to grid homology I-V , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, Oct-Nov (2022).

  8. Mirror symmetry and knot homology (after Aganagic ICM 2022 talk) , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 25 August (2022).

  9. Grid diagrams and the Jones polynomial (after Droz and Wagner) I, II , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 21 June, 4 July (2022).

  10. On bigrading the symplectic Khovanov homology , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 1 April (2022).

  11. Khovanov versus symplectic link homology I, II , at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 4&11 March (2022).

  12. Hilbert schemes and knot polynomials, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 25 February (2022).

  13. Cautis-Kamnitzer categorification I-IV, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, November-December (2021).

  14. Khovanov-Rozansky homology IV: the HOMFLY polynomial, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 19 November (2021).

  15. Khovanov-Rozansky homology I-III: the P_n polynomial, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, October-November (2021).

  16. Lectures on link homologies, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 24 September (2021).

  17. On the Kontsevich's graph complex, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 19 March (2021).

  18. Foliations and characteristic classes I-IV, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, February-March (2021).

  19. Introduction to flat and Higgs bundles I-XV, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, October 2020-April 2021 (2020/2021).

  20. Braid group action on derived categories of coherent sheaves I-IV, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, October-December (2020).

  21. Rozansky-Witten invariants revisited: Kapranov's viewpoint, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 30 July (2020).

  22. Gelfand-Fuks cohomology and Cheeger-Chern-Simons classes (Lectures on characteristic classes XXV), at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 18 June (2020).

  23. Secondary invariants of (holomorphic/flat) vector bundles, (Lectures on characteristic classes XIX-XXIV), at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, March - June (2020).

  24. Hochschild cohomology and Atiyah classes I-VII, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, November - March (2019-2020).

  25. Lectures on characteristic classes I-XVII, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, October - March (2019-2020).

  26. Reidemeister torsion and the volume of hyperbolic knots, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 03 January (2020).

  27. On twisted Alexander polynomials, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 12 December (2019).

  28. Lie theory and algebraic geometry I-II, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, October (2019).

  29. Atiyah class and Riemann-Roch type results I-III, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, May (2019).

  30. Quivers and braid group actions on derived categories I-II, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 26 April, 10 May (2019).

  31. Hyperkahler categories I-XIV, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, January- April (2019).

  32. Link invariants coming from algebraic geometry, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 21 December (2018).

  33. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants XVI, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 14 December (2018).

  34. Derived categories in complex geometry and link invariants, at Topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 14 December (2018).

  35. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants XV, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 7 December (2018).

  36. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants XIII, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 23 November (2018).

  37. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants XII, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 23 November (2018).

  38. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants X, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 9 November (2018).

  39. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants IX, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 9 November (2018).

  40. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants VII, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 2 November (2018).

  41. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants VI, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 26 October (2018).

  42. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants V, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 19 October (2018).

  43. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants IV, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 05 October (2018).

  44. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants III, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 05 October (2018).

  45. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants II, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 28 September (2018).

  46. Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants I, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 28 September (2018).

  47. Braid group actions on derived categories of sheaves, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 13 July (2018).

  48. Higgs bundles and related topics VIII, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 11 May (2018).

  49. Higgs bundles and related topics VII, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 30 April (2018).

  50. Higgs bundles and related topics VI, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 27 April (2018).

  51. Higgs bundles and related topics V, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 20 April (2018).

  52. Higgs bundles and related topics IV, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 13 April (2018).

  53. Differential equations and hyperplane arrangements IV, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 4 April (2018).

  54. Higgs bundles and related topics III, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 30 March (2018).

  55. Higgs bundles and related topics II, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 26 March (2018).

  56. Higgs bundles and related topics, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 23 March (2018).

  57. Differential equations and hyperplane arrangements III, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 9 March (2018).

  58. Differential equations and hyperplane arrangements II, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 7 March (2018).

  59. Invariants of plane curves and representations of the braid group, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 5 January (2018).

  60. Differential equations and hyperplane arrangements, at Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
    IMAR, 3 January (2018).

  61. Exceptional bundles associated to degenerations of surfaces (after P. Hacking), at Algebraic Geometry Seminar, IMAR, March (2016).

  62. The BGG correspondence I&II, at Topology Seminar, IMAR, June (2013).