Talks at Conferences
- Ribbon structures derived from homotopy Leibniz algebras and symplectic Lie pairs,
Talk at:
XV. International Workshop
, Varna, 19 - 25 June, (2023).
- Exact modules over CDGA and weight systems,
Talk at:
, Chisinau, 25-27 August, (2022).
- Globally generated vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^3$ and the unirationality of $\mathcal{M}_g$, $g \leq 13$.,
Talk at:
Bandoleros 2022-Sixth Algebraic Geometry Meeting
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, May 11-13, (2022).
- On geometric weight systems,
Talk at:
, Online, 17-18 September, (2021).
- Group representations and plane curves invariants,
Talk at:
, Chisinau, 1-3 July, (2021).
- Lie algebroids and weight systems,
Talk at:
XIV. International Workshop
, Sofia, 20 - 26 June, (2021).
- Lie theory and infinitesimal extensions in
algebraic geometry ,
Talk at:
XIII. International Workshop
, Varna, 17 - 23 June, (2019).
- Plane curves invariants from quantum
braid groups representations ,
Talk at:
The Ninth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians
, Galati, June 28 - July 3, (2019).
- Rota-Baxter operators and elliptic curves ,
Talk at:
The 25-th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics - CAIM 2018
, Chisinau, 20 - 23 September, (2018).
- On a Class of Rota-Baxter Operators with
Geometric Origin
Talk at:
International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union
10th Jubilee
, Sofia, 26 - 30 August, (2018).
- (0; 2)
Mirror symmetry and omalous bundles on complete
intersection surfaces of general type ,
Talk at:
COST Action MP1405 "Quantum Structure of Spacetime"
III. Annual Workshop : Quantum Spacetime '18
Sofia, 19 - 23 February, (2018).
- Special bundles and superstrings ,
Talk at:
The 25-th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics - CAIM 2017
, Iasi, 14-17 September (2017).
- Freeness of arrangements and
extendability of bundles ,
Talk at:
International Conference on Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics
, Alba-Iulia, 31 July-4 August (2017).
- Freeness, extendability and arrangements ,
Talk at:
X. International Symposium:
, Varna, 19-25 June (2017).
- A stable version of Terao conjecture ,
Talk at
Mathematics-Informatics Colloquium, Curtea de Arges, 10-11 October (2016).
- A problem connected with Terao conjecture ,
Talk at
CAIM 2016, Craiova, 15-18 September (2016).
- (0; 2)-Mirror symmetry on surfaces , Talk at
Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Constanta, 19-22 May (2016).
- Quantum sheaf cohomology on surfaces of
general type , at
ICTAMI, Alba Iulia, 17 September (2015).
- Heegaard-Floer homology and cuspidal multiple planes , at
Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Constanta, 21 May (2015).
- Horrocks theory and applications , at
Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Constanta, May (2014).
- Geometry of the Sasakura bundle , at
Locally free geometry seminars, Bucharest, September (2013).
Talks in Seminars
- On Habiro's universal invariants I-VI , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, April-June (2024).
- DT-invariants and knot-quivers correspondence I-II , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, April (2024).
- Fukaya categories I-III , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, November-December (2023).
- Mirror symmetry and knot homology II-IX , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, September-November (2023).
- Motivic measures I-III , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, May (2023).
- Immersed curves and Floer homology I-IV , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, April-June (2023).
- Introduction to grid homology I-V , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, Oct-Nov (2022).
- Mirror symmetry and knot homology (after Aganagic ICM 2022 talk) , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 25 August (2022).
- Grid diagrams and the Jones polynomial (after Droz and Wagner) I, II , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 21 June, 4 July (2022).
- On bigrading the symplectic Khovanov homology , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 1 April (2022).
- Khovanov versus symplectic link homology I, II , at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 4&11 March (2022).
- Hilbert schemes and knot polynomials, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 25 February (2022).
- Cautis-Kamnitzer categorification I-IV, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, November-December (2021).
- Khovanov-Rozansky homology IV: the HOMFLY polynomial, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 19 November (2021).
- Khovanov-Rozansky homology I-III: the P_n polynomial, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, October-November (2021).
- Lectures on link homologies, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 24 September (2021).
- On the Kontsevich's graph complex, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 19 March (2021).
- Foliations and characteristic classes I-IV, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, February-March (2021).
- Introduction to flat and Higgs bundles I-XV, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, October 2020-April 2021 (2020/2021).
- Braid group action on derived categories of coherent sheaves I-IV, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, October-December (2020).
- Rozansky-Witten invariants revisited: Kapranov's viewpoint, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 30 July (2020).
- Gelfand-Fuks cohomology and Cheeger-Chern-Simons classes (Lectures on characteristic classes XXV), at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 18 June (2020).
- Secondary invariants of (holomorphic/flat) vector bundles, (Lectures on characteristic classes XIX-XXIV), at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, March - June (2020).
- Hochschild cohomology and Atiyah classes I-VII, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, November - March (2019-2020).
- Lectures on characteristic classes I-XVII, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, October - March (2019-2020).
- Reidemeister torsion and the volume of hyperbolic knots, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 03 January (2020).
- On twisted Alexander polynomials, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 12 December (2019).
- Lie theory and algebraic geometry I-II, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, October (2019).
- Atiyah class and Riemann-Roch type results I-III, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, May (2019).
- Quivers and braid group actions on derived categories I-II, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 26 April, 10 May (2019).
- Hyperkahler categories I-XIV, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, January- April (2019).
- Link invariants coming from algebraic geometry, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 21 December (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants XVI, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 14 December (2018).
- Derived categories in complex geometry and link invariants, at
Topology Seminar,
IMAR, 14 December (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants XV, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 7 December (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants XIII, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 23 November (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants XII, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 23 November (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants X, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 9 November (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants IX, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 9 November (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants VII, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 2 November (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants VI, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 26 October (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants V, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 19 October (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants IV, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 05 October (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants III, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 05 October (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants II, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 28 September (2018).
- Hyperkähler geometry and low dimensional topology: Rozansky-Witten invariants I, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 28 September (2018).
- Braid group actions on derived categories of sheaves, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 13 July (2018).
- Higgs bundles and related topics VIII, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 11 May (2018).
- Higgs bundles and related topics VII, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 30 April (2018).
- Higgs bundles and related topics VI, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 27 April (2018).
- Higgs bundles and related topics V, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 20 April (2018).
- Higgs bundles and related topics IV, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 13 April (2018).
- Differential equations and hyperplane arrangements IV, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 4 April (2018).
- Higgs bundles and related topics III, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 30 March (2018).
- Higgs bundles and related topics II, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 26 March (2018).
- Higgs bundles and related topics, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 23 March (2018).
- Differential equations and hyperplane arrangements III, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 9 March (2018).
- Differential equations and hyperplane arrangements II, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 7 March (2018).
- Invariants of plane curves and representations of the braid group, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 5 January (2018).
- Differential equations and hyperplane arrangements, at
Geometric methods in algebra and topology Seminar,
IMAR, 3 January (2018).
- Exceptional bundles associated to degenerations of surfaces (after P. Hacking), at
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, IMAR, March (2016).
- The BGG correspondence I&II, at
Topology Seminar, IMAR, June (2013).