Ilie Valusescu

Academic Rank:

Senior Researcher


Operator Theory and Functional Analysis

Current Research Interests:

Short presentation of scientifical activity:

List of publications:

I. Articles:

  1. Discuri analitice în algebre Banach comutative, Dissertation, Universitatea din Timisoara, 1970
  2. Dilatarea unitara simultana a unui sistem comutativ de contractii si inegalitatea von Neumann, Preprint (1973). (colab. I.Suciu)
  3. On the hyperbolic metric on Harnack parts, Studia Mathematica, Tom 55 (1976), 97-109. (colab. I. Suciu)
  4. Factorization of semispectral measures, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. Tome XXI Nr. 6 (1976), 773-793. (colab. I. Suciu)
  5. On the hyperbolic metric on Harnack parts II, Studia Mathematica 58 (1976), 99-100. (colab. I. Suciu)
  6. Essential parameters in prediction, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. Rom XXXII, Nr. 10 (1977), 1477-1495. (colab. I. Suciu)
  7. Factorization theorems and prediction theory, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. Tom XXIII, Nr. 9 (1978), 1393-1423. (colab. I. Suciu)
  8. Fatou and Szego theorems for operator valued functions, Proc. of Romanian-Finnish Seminar on Complex Analysis 1976, Lecture Notes in Math. 743 (1979), 656-673. (colab. I. Suciu)
  9. On the maximal outer function of a semispectral measure, Proc. Coll.on Complex Analysis, Joensuu, Finland 1978. Springer Verlag vol. 747 (1979), 409-416
  10. On the Harnack parts of completely positive maps, SLOHA Nr.3, Timisoara (1979) 1-28. (colab. I. Suciu)
  11. Wold decomposition theorem for continuous parameter stationary processes in complete correlated actions, Proc. of the fourth Conf. on Operator Theory (1979), 88-104.
  12. A linear filtering problem in complete correlated actions, Journal of Multi variate Analysis, Vol. 9, Nr. 4 (1979), 599-613. (colab. I. Suciu)
  13. The maximal function of a contraction, Acta Scientiarum Math., Vol. 42 (1980), 183-188.
  14. Metode operatoriale in teoria predictiei I., St. Cerc. Mat. Tom 33, Nr. 3 (1981), 343-401.
  15. Metode operatoriale in teoria predictiei II., St. Cerc. Mat. Tom 33, Nr. 4 (1981), 467-492.
  16. Linear predictor for stationary processes in complete correlated actions, Spectral Theory, Banach Center Publ. Vol. 8 (1981), 435-447. (colab. I. Suciu)
  17. The maximal function of doubly commuting contradictions, Operator Theory, Adv. and Appl. Vol. 2 (1982), 295-309, Birkhauser. (colab. N. Suciu)
  18. On stationary processes in complete correlated actions, Lecture Notes in Math. 1014 (1983), 316-334.
  19. Continuous stationary processes in complete correlated actions, Prediction Theory and Harmonic Analysis, Pesi Masani Volume, North Hololand Pub. Co. (1983), 431-446.
  20. Procese armonizabile în actiuni corelate complete, Contract INCREST (1984), 12 pag.
  21. On the extension theorem for completely positive maps, Proc. Of Coll. On Banach Algebras, Poland (1985). (colab. I. Suciu)
  22. On a certain class of operator valued analytic functions on the bidisc, SLOHA Nr.5 (1986), 16p. (Zbl 0686.47020).
  23. Functii de tip Wold si structuri analitice asociate representarilor izometrice 2-generate, An. Univ. Timisoara (1986) (colab. D. Gaspar and N. Suciu)
  24. Semispectral measures on the bitorus and Wold-type functions on the bidisc, Sem.Oper.Liniari Anal. Armonica (SLOHA) nr.3 (1987), 22p (Zbl 0825.47004). (Colab. D. Gaspar and N. Suciu)
  25. Factorization and the Szego theorem for semispectral measures on $\mathbb{T}^2$. The 12-th Conf. on Operator Theory, 1988, 37-42.
  26. Semispectral measures, Wold-type functions and stationary processes on $\mathbb{T}^2$. Preprint, INCREST (1989).
  27. On a certain class of operator valued analitic functions on the bidisc, An. Univ. Timisoara, Nr. 27 (1989), 41-48. (colab. D. Gaspar and N. Suciu)
  28. Operator valued function on bidisc and prediction, MTNS - 1991. (colab. D. Gaspar and N. Suciu)
  29. Operatorial models for stationary processes, Special Topics in Modern Analysis, Mon. Math. Nr. 47 (1991), 57-84. (Colab. I. Suciu)
  30. Semispectral measures on the bitorus and Wold-type functions on the bidisc, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures et Appl. Tome 38 Nr. 3(1993), 253-266. (colab. D. Gaspar and N. Suciu)
  31. Discrete two-time parameter stationary processes, On occ. 80th aniv. Prof. B.Sz.-Nagy, Szeged 1993. (colab. D. Gaspar si N. Suciu)
  32. On some operator-valued functions on bidisc and prediction theory, Proc. MTNS-93,(Helmke Uwe & all eds.) Math. Research Vol. 79 (1994), 685-686. (colab. D. Gaspar and N. Suciu)
  33. On some Operatorial Non-stationary Harmonizable Processes, Preprint, Grant Romanian Academy/1996.
  34. Operatorial Non-Stationary Harmonizable Processes, Z. Angew. Math. Mec. 76 (1996), 695-696.
  35. On quarter plane prediction, IWOTA-96, Bloomington, Indiana University, 1996.
  36. An operatorial view on infinite-variate prediction, MTNS-1996, St. Louis, 1996.
  37. On the maximal function and applications, WONRA-96 Conf. Sapporo, Japan, 1996.
  38. On the maximal function of a semispectral measure, Workshop Funct.Analysis and Appl. Nemecka 1997, p. 40-41. (colab. I. Suciu)
  39. Some applications of the maximal function, Krein Conf. Odessa 1997. (colab. I. Suciu)
  40. Spectral analysis and prediction of two-time parameter stationary processes, Special Topics on Operator Theory, Timisoara 6-10 Oct. 1997. (colab D. Gaspar and N. Suciu)
  41. On discrete time infinite-variate prediction, Proc. MTNS-98, Padova 1998. p.883-887.(colab. I. Suciu)
  42. $\mathbb{Z}^2$-indexed operator systems and semispectral measures, Grant MCT-4073/1998, 8p. (colab. I. Suciu)
  43. Dilations and factorization of semispectral measures, Preprint Grant MCT 1998. (colab. I. Suciu)
  44. Models for discrete time infinite-variate prediction, Preprint Grant Romanian Academy/1998. (colab. I. Suciu)
  45. Factorization of operatorial valued functions and applications, National Conf. on Math. Analysis and Appl., Timisoara 14-15 Nov. 1998
  46. On the maximal function of a semispectral measure, ICIAM-99, Edinborough, 1999.
  47. On periodic correlated processes, Proc. Conf. Functional Analysis and Appl.,Nemecka, Slovakia, 1999, p.72-74.
  48. On a nonstationary process with periodic correlations, Com. Conf. B.Sz.-Nagy, Szeged, 1999.
  49. An operatorial view on periodic correlated processes, CD of MTNS-2000, Perpignan, France,2000.
  50. On periodically processes in complete correlated actions, The 6-th Cong. Roum. Math., Bucuresti, 2007.
  51. On nonstationary periodically correlated processes in complete correlated actions, Acta Univ. Apulensis, Nr.15 (2008), p. 353-372.
  52. A linear filter for the operatorial prediction of a periodically correlated process, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures et Appl., Tome 54 nr. 1 (2009), 53-67.
  53. Some remarks on periodically correlated processes in complete correlated actions, Inst. Math. "Simion Stoilow", Preprint IMAR Nr. 5/2008.
  54. On periodic estimation in complete correlated actions, The 11-th Romanian-Finnish Seminar, Alba Iulia, 2008.
  55. Simultaneous dilation of a commutative system of contractions and von Neumann inequality, An. Univ.Timisoara, Ser. Math-Inf., Vol. 47, ( 2009), 133-150.
  56. Spectral factors and the maximal function , An. Univ. Timisoara, Vol. 47, (2009), 151-163.
  57. Some remarks on the maximal function , Proc. ICTAMI-2009 (D. Breaz, N. Breaz and D. Weinberg eds.) Acta Univ. Ap., Special Issue (2009), 195-2007.
  58. Some connections between the maximal function and systems , Math. Reports Vol. 12(2010), 189-199.
  59. An update on the maximal function , Preprint IMAR nr.8/2009.
  60. Notes on continuous parameter periodically $\Gamma$-correlated processes , An. Univ. Timisoara, Vol 50 (2012), 115-125.
  61. A new update on the maximal function , OT-23, Timisoara, 2010.
  62. On uniformly bounded linearly $\Gamma$-stationary processes, ICNAAM-2010, Rodos, (T.Simos and G.Psihoyios eds.), AIP Conf. Proceedings, Vol. 1281(2010), 432-435.
  63. $\Gamma$-correlated processes. Some geometrical considerations. Preprint IMAR Nr. 7/2011, 12 pag.
  64. Connections between the maximal function and systems. International Workshop on Functional Analysis WFA-2012, Timisoara, 12-14 oct. 2012.
  65. On the functional model of the maximal function of a contraction operator, IWOTA-2014, Amsterdam, 14-18 July 2014.
  66. Some geometrical aspects of the $\Gamma$-correlated processes, An. Univ. Oradea, Tom XXI (2014),113-123.
  67. On the Friedrichs angle between past and future, Proc. ICTAMI-2011, Acta Univ Ap., Special Issue (2011), 85-94
  68. Some remarks on the infinite variate prediction I. Proc. int. conf. Classical and Functional Analysis, Azuga, 2013. Transilvania University Press, Brasov, 2014, pag.74-102.
  69. Some remarks on the infinite variate prediction II. Proc. int. conf. Classical and Functional Analysis, Busteni, 2014. Transilvania University Press, Brasov (to appear 2015)
  70. The maximal function of n-hypercontractions, (in preparation).

II. Books: