Access for online journals is provided for IMAR through the Anelis national consortium. For 2014, access has been opened until now for the following resources:

Springer Link

Oxford Journals

Cambridge Journals

Taylor & Francis

Sciencedirect (Elsevier)

Wiley Journals


Web of Science

Access works directly from the building of the Institute. You may either consult databases or download articles.

For mobile access, you have to go through the Anelis  site to register or login. You register using your imar email address; you will receive a password by email, that will be used for subsequent login. After login, click on the text in Romanian (Resurse electronice...etc) to go to the list of resources. The portal for mobile access has not yet been updated, and some resources that are available from the building of IMAR are still missing.

From the building of the Institute you also have access to part of JSTOR. This resource is specific to the Institute and is not provided through Anelis.

SIAM Journals  Free trial access is provided until December 20th, 2014 (only from the building of the Institute).

For any problems concerning access, please contact Dan.Timotin [at]