Library links

There are 3 types of publications in the library of the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy:
The online catalog does not take any diacritics. Use a for ă, s for ș, e for é, etc.

Log in to your library account to see what publications you have borrowed. You can also check there your borrowing history and your search history.

When borrowing, please fill out the book card (Romanian: fișa cărții), which you can find inside the book. If one does not exist, please fill out one of these.

IMPORTANT: Publications can be borrowed only to your office inside the IMAR building. Upon request, you should be able to return a volume within one working day.

You are free to browse around the library, pick up and read any library publications. If you are 100% sure you know the exact position, you can return the book to the shelf. Otherwise, please leave it on one of the desks.

The library services are open to all employees of IMAR, as well as various guests: PhD students, invited researchers and professors, mathematicians collaborating with our researchers, former employees who continue mathematical activity.
Links to other libraries:
Library of the US Congress Online Catalog
British Library Integrated Catalogue
The European Library
Biblioteca Națională a României
Biblioteca Academiei Române: catalog on-line
Biblioteca Centrală Universitară (București)
Librarian's resources:
DDC summaries
Standard tables
Dewey Table 1. Standard Subdivisions
WebDewey 000 Computer science, information, general works
WebDewey 500 Natural science and mathematics
WebDewey 600 Technology (Applied Science)
LoC web guides
LoC classifications
Koha software
Login biblio admin

A note about book call numbers

Some books have old call number (Romanian: cotă veche), for example:

II 34911               Henri Poincaré, Calcul des probabilités

Other books have new call number (Romanian: cotă nouă), assigned based on their Dewey subject classification (DDC), for example:

519.233-ZAH      Radu Zaharopol, Invariant probabilities of transition functions

Eventually, all books with old call numbers will be converted to new call numbers. Think of Dewey classifications as (some 40,000) rational points on the interval [0,1000). To understand the general logic, please note this list of a few of them. Mathematics is concentrated in the subinterval [510,520), and, as of the latest, 23rd edition, there are 375 classifications that you might want to look at in more detail. DDC is suitable for classifying books, not individual articles; for the latter purpose the 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification by the AMS is the standard.