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7. Mechanics, Astronomy, Numerical Analysis, and Mathematical Models in Sciences

Convergence criteria, well-posedness concepts and numerical validation

Mircea Sofonea
University of Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France


We deal with a class of elliptic quasivariational inequalities with constraints in reflexive Banach spaces. We use arguments of monotonicity, convexity and compactness in order to prove a convergence criterion for such inequalities. This criterion allows us to consider a new well-posedness concept in the study of the corresponding inequalities, which extends the classical Tykhonov and Levitin-Polyak well-posedness concepts used in the literature. Then, we introduce a new penalty method, for which we provide a convergence result. Finally, we consider a variational inequality which describes the equilibrium of a spring-rods system, under the action of external forces. We apply our abstract results in the study of this inequality and provide the corresponding mechanical interpretations. We also present numerical simulations which validate our convergence results.