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7. Mechanics, Astronomy, Numerical Analysis, and Mathematical Models in Sciences

Study of magnetic flux in active region NOAA 11967

Liliana Dumitru
Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania


Using a nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) methods, we calculated the magnetic flux for the active region (AR) NOAA 11967 appearing in the southern hemisphere of the Sun in 2014 January 26. This was noted by the fact that its area increased a lot throughout its evolution on the surface of the solar disk, but also by a significant number of solar flares. It developed 83 solar flares of C class and 28 of M class. We highlighted the variation of magnetic flux values and analyzed its evolution, especially around solar flares. The data used were is photospheric magnetic magnetograms Spaceweather HMI Active Region Patch (SHARP) from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), with a cadence of 12 minutes.