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1. Algebra and Number Theory

Spectrum of p-adic linear differential equations

Tinhinane Amina Azzouz
YMSC Tsinghua University-Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Beijing, China


In the ultrametric setting, linear differential equations present phenomena that do not appear over the complex field. Indeed, the solutions of such equations may fail to converge everywhere, even without the presence of poles. This leads to a non-trivial notion of the radius of convergence, and its knowledge permits obtaining interesting information about the equation. Notably, it controls the finite dimensionality of the de Rham cohomology. In practice, the radius of convergence is really hard to compute and it represents one of the most complicated features in the theory of p-adic differential equations. The radius of convergence can be expressed as the spectral norm of a specific operator and a natural notion, that refines it, is the entire spectrum of that operator, in the sense of Berkovich. In our previous works, we introduce this invariant and compute the spectrum of differential equations over a power series field and in the p-adic case with constant coefficients. In this talk, we will discuss our last results about the shape of this spectrum for any linear differential equation, the strong link between the spectrum and all the radii of convergence, notably a decomposition theorem provided by the spectrum.